
Charting Progress

March 20, 2013 in Data Blog

When is poverty going to end? How many donors are reaching the 0.7% target? How much does the UK spend on aid?

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We ask these questions every day, and yet it is often difficult to find the answers. The data often isn’t available, and even when it is, finding the answer means diving into row upon row of spreadsheets. Data is often out of date by the time it is published.

Help is at hand.

Charting Progress is a unique new graph blog that examines key issues in relation to ending poverty in pictures rather than words. It provides a single graph on a regular basis telling the development stories of the day. It provides up-to-date and myth-dispelling data, as it emerges, on the key poverty-related issues being talked about in the media and elsewhere. Over time, it builds a comprehensive bank of data that can be scrutinised, downloaded, and shared on social media.

The site, provided by Development Initiatives (an independent organisation that champions the use of information to end poverty), is based on the principle that information is much more powerful if it is presented properly. By providing high design values and simple, intuitive navigation, users can find the information they need quickly and clearly.

The site also provides a sneak preview of analysis that DI is undertaking including on its major Investments To End Poverty initiative, which seeks to become the go-to source on all resources for ending poverty. The project will simplify and map out the complex landscape of all resources relevant to poverty eradication and highlight information gaps in data that need to be filled to maximise the efficient allocation of resources. As data emerges on the project, it will be placed on Charting Progress in the first instance before being presented in more comprehensive reports. Initial data planned includes information on all official flows, the breakdown of aid budgets, and private giving. The site will also carry data from our other popular DI programmes including Global Humanitarian Assistance and aidinfo.

Finally, Charting Progress provides an opportunity for you to interact with those who have an interest in the same issues. You can comment on each graph, leave observations on the site, and get in touch if you want to know more about any of the issues raise. We also welcome feedback on the product itself so that it is of maximum use to you, the user.

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