
A new Google Group to connect expedition leaders

March 25, 2013 in Data Expeditions

Last week – we had a the first call with potential leaders of future data expeditions. It was a great call and participants both asked some really insightful questions and themselves offered strategies for tackling different challenges from the expeditions…

On the new Google Group

The first request from the group was to have a Google Group to connect the potential leaders of the data expeditions, so here it is!

Join the Data Sherpas Google + Community

The ‘Data Sherpas’ Google Group is a community help potential leaders of data expeditions to stay in contact, share experiences and ideas for topics or techniques to help them run. All are welcome to join!

FAQs on leading a data expedition

Based on the questions from the session, I’ve just updated the Guide for Guides documentation with some of the key points from the talk. We’ll keep learning and building on these experiences as we go forward and hold more and more expeditions.

Stay in touch

To learn about new and upcoming data expeditions with the School of Data, join us on the announcement mailing list.

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