
School of Data Latin America Tour

June 7, 2013 in Uncategorized

Do you live in Latin America? Hungry for some School of Data materials in Spanish? We have some good news for you: The School of Data is going to come to you!

Locals and Tourists #49 (GTWA #200): Sao PauloImage CC-BY-SA Eric Fisher

While our friends at Social-TIC are working hard on translating School of Data materials in Spanish, Michael Bauer and Zara Rahman are going to visit La Paz (Bolivia), Santiago (Chile), Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Montevideo (Uruguay).

Michael kicks his tour off with the first DataBootcamp in Latin America in Bolivia, he’s then joined by Zara in Santiago, where there will be a Workshop on Scraping on Monday June 17th. They will also shortly present at the Data Tuesday the next day. They will continue their trip to Argentina with a Workshop on June 20th and finish their tour at AbreLatam – the open Latin America unconference.

During the time they will be available to meet, scheme and plot. If you’re interested meeting them: Contact us at schoolofdata [at]

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