
Visualizing the US-Government Shutdown

October 1, 2013 in Data Stories, HowTo

As of Today the US Government is in Shutdown. That means that a lot of employees are sent home and services don’t work. The Washington Post Wonkblog has a good story on What you need to know about the shutdown. In the story they list government departments and the percentage of employees to be sent home. I thought: this could be done better – visual!

Gathering the Data

The first thing I did is gather the data (I solely used the blog post mentioned above as a source). I started a Spreadsheet containing all the data on departments. I decided to do this manually, since the data is pretty unstructured and keep the descriptions – since I want to show them on the final visual.


Next up was visualization – I thought how can we show this. I quickly sketched a Mockup.


Then I started to work. I love D3 for visualizations and Tarek had just written a fabulous tutorial on how to draw arcs in d3. So I set out…

I downloaded the data as CSV and used d3.csv to load the data…. Next I defined the scale for the angles – for this I had to know the total. I used underscore to sum it up and create the scale based on this.

var totale=.reduce(.map(raw, function (x) {
return parseInt(x.Employees) }),function (x,y) { return x+y })

var rad=d3.scale.linear()

Perfect – next, I needed to convert the data to define my arc formula and do start and stop ranges…

var arc = d3.svg.arc()
.startAngle(function(d){return rad(d.start);})
.endAngle(function(d){return rad(d.end);});

_.each(raw, function(d) {

Great – this allowed me to define a graph and draw the first set of arcs…"#graph")



.attr("style", function(d) { return "fill: "+

You’ll notice how I created a group for the whole graph (to translate it to the center) and a group for each department. I want to use the department groups to have both the total employees and the employees still working…

Next, I wanted to draw another arc on top of the arcs for the employees still working. This looked easy at first – but we want our visualization to represent the percentages also in percentage area right? So we can’t just say: Oh if there’s 50% working we just draw a line in the middle between inner and outer radius. What we need is to calculate the second radius (using a quite complicated formula (it took me a while to deduct and I thought I should be able to do that much maths…))

The formula is implemented here:

var rd=function(d) {
var rho=rad(d.end-d.start);
var i=0.5Math.pow(ri,2)rho;
var p=(100-d.home)/100.0;
return Math.sqrt(x2);

I’ll need another arc function and then I can draw the arcs:

var arcso = d3.svg.arc()
.outerRadius(function(d) {return rd(d) })
.startAngle(function(d){return rad(d.start);})
.endAngle(function(d){return rad(d.end);});

.attr("style", function(d) {
return "fill: "+

Perfect – some styling later this already looks good. The last thing i needed to add was the hovers (done here) and we’re done:

See the Full code on github!

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