
Welcome Escola de Dados!

October 11, 2013 in Uncategorized


We are very excited to announce that this weekend we are joining our friends from the Open Knowledge Foundation Brazil in Rio de Janeiro to launch our newest project School of data in Portuguese.

The Website will launch at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Rio de Janeiro, 12 – 15 October 2013, followed by more meetups and events in both Rio and Sao Paulo, including of course a data expedition.



About Escola de Dados

Following the success of Escuela de Datos, we are now ready to provide Brazilians & Portuguese with School of Data methodologies and materials in their native language.

Like its English and Spanish speaking sisters, Escola de Datos will be driven by the same principles of learning by doing, running data expeditions, data clinics and hands-on online tutorials. All content and activities will be driven by local organisations and mentors and will be tailor made for the Brazilian and Portuguese context.

Who is behind Escola de Dados?

The project will be led by Open Knowledge Foundation Brazil under the supervision of our capable Everton Zanella Alvarenga and with the with the support of a number of dedicated volunteers like Marco Tulio Pires, Natalia Mazotte, Daniela Mattern and João Batista. Have a closer look here at the Escola de Dados team here.

Get involved

We are still at the beginning and every contribution is welcome! Here are few things you can do to get involved:

  • Help us translate and localise more materials
  • Contribute to our Blog in Portuguese with articles, case-studies and tutorials which could inspire or help NGOs or Journalists to work with Data.
  • Help us run data expeditions and trainings as a local School of Data Mentor. If interested, apply directly here.

Stay in touch

So if you want to contribute or just stay in touch you can:

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