
Data Roundup, 14 May

May 14, 2014 in Data Roundup

Manuel Acebedo – Lovely Universe…!!!

Happy week! In our Data Roundup, we everything from Fertility rates data to D3 tutorials.

Tools, Events, Courses

La Naciòn invites the Argentinean data community to celebrate the 10th year of the Maestría en Explotación de Datos by participating to the conference “Hablemos the Big Data”. Program and speakers on

Researchers at Politecnico di Milano Density Design Lab developed RAW, an online platform built on d3.js library which allows high flexibility in creating beautiful data visualizations.

Data Stories

With the era of Big Data came the era of statistical concepts like causation and correlation. Some say it is not possible to find a single cause for a single phenomenon but multiple correlations which simultaneously influence its occurrence. Sometimes correlations are very curious: take a look at those listed on

Fertility rate is a demographic index with important consequences on certain markets. Toy industries, for example, have to monitor it everyday in order to foresee future trends. Paul Hodges states it clearly in its article “Toy industry hit by lack of babies” on the Financial Times Data section.

Federica Cocco, journalist at the Daily Mirror Ampp3d, recently published the story of Boko Haram, the most violent and deadliest among the terrorist groups operating in Africa responsible for one quarter of the violent events occurred in Nigeria in the last 4 years. There are also some great conversations around the use of data tools for complex data stories.

Santiago Ortiz Lifeuniverse is an interactive selection of wonderful information visualizations created by teams or individuals.

The Italian parliament is probably among those with the highest number of old members in the world. Andrea Picchi created an infovis showing the age distribution of parliamentarians since the foundation of the republic in 1946.

Data Sources

Another useful guide from prof. Bradshaw: Coding for journalists: 10 programming concepts it helps to understand.

Are you a D3.js developer in search for tutorials on bubble maps? Maybe you might want to follow these instructions coming directly from the inventor of the JS library: Mr. Mike Bostock.

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