
Hacking the world’s most complex election system: part 2

August 28, 2014 in Data for CSOs

[Ed. Note: The School of Data was recently in Bosnia. This blog post is the 2nd in the series. See the first post by Codrina (School of Data Fellow).]

After all the brainstorming, all the coding, all the mapping, all the laughing and chatting the results of the Bosnian election data hacking are slowly, but surely finding their way to the surface.

School of Data Bosnia

After the crash course of only 3 hours for grasping how the Bosnian election system actually works and after a powerful and general brainstorming of what we have and what we want to get, the happy hackers divided into 3 teams: the data team, the development team and the storytellers each with clear tasks to achieve.
After a week’s work, the [git] repository is fully packed. Raw data, cleaned data, code and a wiki explaining how we aimed to make sense of the quite special Bosnian elections system. Still curious why we keep saying this election system is complicated? Check out this great video that the storytellers created:

The end of this wonderful event was marked down by a 2 hours power brainstorming regarding the flourishment of the Data Academy. Great ideas flew around the place and landed on our Balkan Data Academy sheet.

World, stay tuned! Something is definitely cooking in the wonderful Balkans!!

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