
Get better feedback from your data training events!

November 13, 2014 in Impact


“What do we require to evaluate our programs? How do we show that our program is making a difference? Why is getting feedback important for data trainers? How can we get feedback from training events?”

Last week we hosted a School of Data skillshare with our M&E gurus Rahul Ghosh (Open Knowledge) and Oludotun Babayemi (School of Data Fellow) to explore these questions, and share some methods and toolkits for gathering feedback from training events. This skillshare was tailored to data trainers from the School of Data network, but is also general enough to provide some of the basics of feedback collection and useful methods and tools that can be adapted to other contexts.

This is a one-hour video to learn all about feedback collection from Rahul and Olu:

Learn the basics of feedback collection with slides

Olu and Rahul prepared these slides with corresponding notes and resources. We hope that this will be useful for you when you run your next training event.


Slide 4: Why collect feedback for training events

Slide 5: Feedback collection methods

Slide 6: Types of data collection designs


Slides 9 – 11: Pre training feedback forms & guide

Slides 13-15: Post training evaluation forms & guide

More details:

This presentation has detailed speaker notes. Open the slide deck to see them.

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