
School of Data fellows: what are they up to?

November 26, 2014 in Fellowship

It’s been a little while since we’ve had news on what all of the 2014 School of Data fellows are up to as part of their fellowship – so, we wanted to give you some quick updates on what’s been going on in just the last week or so from a few of the fellows:

  • Hannah, in South Africa, is helping Ndifuna Ukwazi create a map of Cape Town’s Budget, and testing out CartoDB.

  • Siyabonga, also in South Africa, organised and hosted a data scraping workshop together with Tabula and last week, and is coding a news app at the moment. Watch this space! Siya is also holding a skillshare on Thursday 27 Nov on User Experience for all things data- join the hangout here. The skillshare will take place at 1pm GMT/8am CST/9am EDT/6pm IST/8pm WIB.

  • Dona, together with Milena, is doing a training later this week in Macedonia, covering mainly spreadsheets and visualisations. Today, they’re talking at an OGP forum on “Open Data as an opportunity for CSOs and businesses.”

  • Last week Antonio and Ruben were in San Jose, Costa Rica, where they hosted a data expedition at the Open Government Partnership Americas Summit– you can see the projects that were created on the HackDash board, and more updates coming soon! This week Antonio is organising a meetup together with HacksHackers Lima, and Juan Manuel from Escuela de Datos and SocialTIC, will be joining him there!

  • In Hungary, Rita is giving a presentation at a business intelligence conference today, and ran a regular beginner Python workshop last Sunday. Next week, she’ll be doing two reloaded spreadsheet workshops.

  • Yuandra is working with Publish What You Pay Indonesia on building infographics, and on Friday will be talking in a community event regarding the use of open data in Bandung. He also took part in a national conference for CSOs on democracy, joining a panel to discuss data use in the fight for democracy.

  • This week in the Philippines, Happy and Sam Leon have been training the Civil Service Commission – it sounds like they are all having a wonderful time, and Happy will be writing more about this very soon!

  • Over in Romania, Codrina carried out the second workshop for the School of ACtivism, and did a presentation on open data at an OpenStreetMap conference in BraČ™ov.

  • In Tanzania, Joachim has been have following up with Tanzanian educational agencies suchas Ministry of Education and Vocational Training(MOEVT) and
    President’s Office, Public Service Management(PO-PSM) to revise and build on materials learned from the Education Data Dive workshop held in October. This week on Friday , he’ll meet up again with PO-PSM to dive deep into Open Refine and QGIS.

Wow. We’re super impressed with all the great work that the fellows are doing – we hope you are, too!

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