
Apply Now! School of Data’s Fellowship and Data Expert Programmes

March 2, 2017 in Announcement, Fellowship

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School of Data is inviting journalists, civil society advocates and anyone interested in pushing data literacy forward to apply for its 2017 Fellowship and Data Expert Programmes, which will run from April to December 2017. Up to 10 positions are open, with an application deadline set on Sunday, April 16th of 2017.

Apply for the Fellowship Programme or Apply for the Data Expert Programme

The Fellowship

Fellowships are nine-month placements with School of Data for data-literacy practitioners or enthusiasts. During this time, Fellows work alongside School of Data to build an individual programme that will make use of both the collective experience of School of Data’s network to help Fellows gain new skills, and the knowledge that Fellows bring along with them, be it about a topic, a community or specific data literacy challenges.

Similarly to previous years, our aim with the Fellowship programme is to increase awareness of data literacy and build communities who together, can use data literacy skills to make the change they want to see in the world.

The 2017 Fellowship will continue the thematic approach pioneered by the 2016 class. As a result, we will be prioritising candidates who:

  • possess experience in, and enthusiasm for, a specific area of data literacy training

  • can demonstrate links with an organisation practising in this defined area and/or links with an established network operating in the field

We are looking for engaged individuals who already have in-depth knowledge of a given sector and have been reflecting on the data literacy challenges faced in the field. This will help Fellows get off to a running start and achieve the most during their time with School of Data: nine months fly by!

Read More about the Fellowship Programme

The Data Expert programme

Launched formally for the first time this year, the Data Expert programme aims to strengthen the ability of strategic civil society organisations that are strategically positioned to bring about social change in their field of expertise to manage and deliver data driven projects. The Data Expert Programme was designed to complement the School of Data Fellowship and for it, we are recruiting a slightly different profile. Data Experts are expected to be more senior than fellows, with demonstrable technical and project management skills. By matching these individuals with the selected partner organisations, while providing them support through our network and partners, we expect to create a decisive impact on the use of data within key civil society organisations around the world

We will consequently prioritise individuals who:

  • possess relevant experience and expertise in the technical areas our local partners need help with
  • can demonstrate a strong interest in the field of activity of the civil society organisation they will be supporting

Read More about the Data Expert Programme

The areas of focus in 2017

We have partnered with organisations interested in working on the following themes: Data Journalism, Procurement and Extractives Data. These amazing partner organisations will provide Fellows and Experts with guidance, mentorship and expertise in their respective domains.

Programme Theme Location Open slots
Fellowship Extractives Data Sénégal, Côte d’Ivoire Up to 2
Fellowship Procurement Data Wordwide Up to 1
Fellowship Data Journalism Worldwide Up to 2
Fellowship Own focus Worldwide Up to 3
Data Expert Extractives Data Uganda, Tanzania 2

9 months to make an impact

The two programmes will run from April to December 2017, and entail up to 10 days a month of time. While Fellows will be focused on ironing their skills as data trainers and build a community around them, Experts will focus on supporting and training a civil society organisation or newsroom with a specific project. Fellows will receive a monthly stipend of $1,000 USD a month to cover for their work. Experts, who will have a planning with more variations, will receive a total stipend of $10,500 USD over the course of the programme.

In May, both Experts and Fellows will come together during an in-person Summer Camp (location to be decided) to meet their peers, build and share their skills, and learn about the School of Data way of training people on data skills.

What are you waiting for?

Read more about School of Data’s Fellowship or Apply now

Read more about School of Data’s Expert Programme or Apply now

Key Information: Fellowship

  • Available positions: up to 10 fellows. Learn more.
  • Application deadline: April 16th, 2017, midnight GMT+0
  • Duration: From April 24th, 2017 to December 31st, 2017
  • Level of activity: 10 days per month
  • Stipend: $1000 USD per month

Key Information: Data Expert Programme
* Available positions: 2 Experts, in Uganda and Tanzania. Learn more.
* Application deadline: April 16th, 2017, midnight GMT+0
* Duration: From April 24th, 2017 to December 31st, 2017
* Level of activity: up to 10 days per month.
* Stipend: $10,500 USD in total

Key links

About diversity and inclusivity

School of Data is committed to being inclusive in its recruitment practices. Inclusiveness means excluding no one because of race, age, religion, cultural appearance, sexual orientation, ethnicity or gender. We proactively seek to recruit individuals who differ from one another in these characteristics, in the belief that diversity enriches all that we do.

Finally, we are grateful for the support of our partners and funders for making these programmes funded. The School of Data Programme is funded through grants from the following institutions: Internews/USAID, Open Data For Development (World Bank & IDRC), the Hewlett Foundation & the Open Society Foundations, the Natural Resources Governance Institute and Publish What You Pay.

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