
Data Roundup – 5th June

June 5, 2013 in Data Roundup

We’re rounding up data news from the web each week. If you have a data news tip, send it to us at [email protected].

Tools, Courses, and Events

Booking now is the UK Data Service one-day workshop on using large-scale survey data for research which is in Manchester 24 June 2013. This workshop is aimed at those with little or no experience in the secondary analysis of survey data available from the UK Data Service and will introduce attendees to the skills required to find and access survey data and to carry out basic secondary analyses with the survey data.

As part of European Open Data Week there are 3 conferences and 14 workshops, from Tuesday, June 25 to Friday 28 June 2013 in Marseille, France, specifically looking at harmonising open data policies.

On 28th May the 7th Open Data Ireland Meetup took place in Dublin, the theme of which was entitled “Give Us Our Health Data” , and was attended by around 40 people. More details form the blog of the event at,36932,en.aspx.

Open Nepal Week is running in Kathmandu from June 2 to June 6 and is a partnership driven series of event spread over five days that aims to raise awareness about open data in Nepal and to devise mechanisms to help citizens reach to such data. Check out the website at

Newly launched is the Policy RECommendations for Open Access to Research Data in Europe project (RECODE) – the work plan and deliverables are available from here #RECODE.

A succinct and useful presentation from Victoria Stodden at Columbia University entitled: “Why Public Access to Data is So Important (and why getting the policy right is even more so)” which is available on their website.

On June 18 there is a webinar from the Open Government Partnership (OGP) entitled: “Strengthening the Demand for and use of open data initiatives” which is from 10:00 – 11:00 AM EST | 14:00 – 15:00 GMT

New open government tools have been launched for the Oakland, California area by community technologists, see more details

A useful blog post by Siri Anderson advising those who have data sets and how to published them: “3 Guidelines for Publishing Your First Open Data Sets”.

The National Day of Civic Hacking is a national event that took place June 1-2, 2013, in cities across the United States. Civic Hackers: The Neighborland API is a resource for local ideas and actions:

Lastly, research data now and in conjunction with the 3rd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL) the first workshop on ‘Linking and Contextualizing Publications and datasets:’ is on September 26 in Malta:

Data Stories

The story of how detailed real time data got released from UK’s rail infrastructure owner (PDF) #opendata

The BBC has reported a story on the stunning visualizations of flight paths across the globe produced by GIS (and in their spare time, no less).

At the Centre for Sustainable Energy their most popular news story of the past 12 months: ‘Energy Company Obligation data in a usable format’,

The World Bank Development Data Group (DECDG) and the aid data organization Development Gateway has unearthed data which looks at the question of whether 29 developing countries are meeting their education goals and their progress visualized here:

An important article has been published (April 4) that reasserts that research data and their used in journal articles leads to an “a open data citation advantage”. You can read the pre-print on their website

Jess Denham, an Interactive Journalism MA student at City University London has interviewed David Ottewell, Head of the Data Journalism Unit at the Trinity Mirror (Regionals) group of UK Newspapers.

Jonathan Stray has written a blog post on a two-day data journalism workshop he gave in Taiwan which asks “How does a country get to open data? What Taiwan can teach us about the evolution of access” He writes “Assumptions about government openness vary from country to country. Here are a few lessons a cross-national perspective can bring to the open data movement.”

“Fell in love with data”, is an interesting blog post by Enrico Bertini, Assistant Professor at NY-Poly (with equally interesting comments) on data visualisation success stories – which are often in short supply. Read it on their website.

And the New York Times in its Technophoria blog has a piece about the struggle to gain access  to your own data which is stored (and monetized) by commercial companies like telecoms and utilities. It also details who is making this data available to consumers. “If My Data Is an Open Book, Why Can’t I Read It?” is available on their website.

Data Sources

On Friday May 31 Germany released the first results of its 2011 census, the first in 24 years and the first since east and west were joined together again. See the announcement on their website.

In Canada the Government of Alberta has joined the open data movement by launching its Open Data Portal. There are already more than 280 data sets on the portal — found at and you can watch a TV News item on it here.

In Australia the Government of New South Wales (NSW) has drafted an Open Data Policy which is open for public which is part of the NSW Government ICT Strategy supporting government transparency, accountability and efficiency.They have also re-launched their Open Data platform using CKAN 2.0 at

The Registry of Research Data Repositories has launched which allows the easy identification of appropriate research data repositories, both for data producers and users. The registry covers research data repositories from all academic disciplines. Information icons display the principal attributes of a repository, allowing users to identify the functionalities and qualities of a data repository. These attributes can be used for multi-faceted searches, for instance to find a repository for geoscience data using a Creative Commons licence. By April 2013, 338 research data repositories were indexed in 171 of these are described by a comprehensive vocabulary, which was developed by involving the data repository community (

The EC Open Data Portal ( went online just before Christmas 2012. It is designed to be the open data hub for European Institutions, beginning with data from the European Commission. There’s a recent video lecture introducing the hub from Malte Beyer- Katzbenberger entitled Towards a European open data infrastructure and is a guide through the portal – and the policy that is behind it.

The U.S. Government’s new CKAN open data catalog has just  launched… and African governments are now opening open data portals too. See Kenya’s at and Ghana’s at

A database of worldwide private companies registries has been launched called the Open Database of the Corporate World which currently holds information on 54,196,924 companies. The database uses the Google Refine reconciliation service and allows access to the information as JSON or XML.

There are some new datasets using the the history of UK websites via the UK Web Archive: They have also made a few example tools available, showing how the open data might be used, and these are hosted in their GitHub repository.

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