
Data Roundup, 11 December

December 11, 2013 in Data Roundup

Photo credit: Jeppestown

Tools, Events, Courses

Daily Mirror launched its brand-new project called Ampp3d, a “socially shareable data-journalism site” created by Martin Belam with the aim “to explore both the day’s news agenda and a range of topics that people care passionately about”.

On Friday the 13th, the Open Data Institute will host a lunchtime lecture with Mike Thompson, senior consultant at mySociety, who will summarize in five lessons a decade of experience in working with open data.

Professional journalists from developing countries interested in getting experience in online and digital journalism may now apply to the RNTC 2014-15 Fellowship. The application deadline for these courses is in April 2014.

Data Stories

A few days ago, Nelson Mandela, one of the most influential leaders of recent history, died in Johannesburg. Mona Chalabi tells us how much South Africa changed socially and economically after his release from 26 years of imprisonment in this article on the Guardian Data Blog.

If you are thinking about how to start a career in data journalism, here are some good suggestions from Hassel Fallas.

The Center for Investigative Reporting published a nice infographic on the state of the rehab racket in California. You can see the results of the investigation here.

If you are a data addict, you’ve probably have seen infographics on a lot of topics: cars, politics, economics, and so on. But have you ever seen an infographic on infographics? Well, now you can see one here. And what about the average annual expenditure of an US citizen? There is an infographic on that too!

Data Sources

If you live in Toronto or you are just about to move there, you might find it useful to take a look at the Toronto Data Catalogue, where you can access more than 100 datasets on various aspects of the city from transportation systems to community services.

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