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Second open data meet-up held in Skopje

- April 10, 2015 in Community, Data for CSOs, Events

School of Data – Macedonia organised the second Open Data Meet-up ever held in Skopje. The meet-up was held on 13th of March, and more than 30 open data enthusiasts met in the Cresha cafe, where they had the opportunity to discuss and share their views and experiences related to open data. The meeting lasted for more than three hours, during which wonderful ideas were shared between the participants.

Among the attendees were representatives of the British Embassy in Macedonia, as well as the director of the Metamorphosis Foundation – Bardhyl Jashari.


The event started with a brief presentation by Dona Djambaska from School of Data – Macedonia (fellow from the School of Data program of Open Knowledge Foundation). She introduced the concept of open data, inspiring stories for the use of open data, and several tools for processing (open) data.

Among the participants was Kostadin Mishev – member of the Regional Centre for Social Innovations which is part of the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering (FINKI) in Skopje, as well as part of the team on the same faculty, that works on sematic web and open data. He shared his experiences on developing many open data based mobile and web applications, as well as many tips and tricks on the process of working in the field.



Another participant who shared his great experience during the meet-up, is Gorjan Jovanovski, developer of the My Air mobile (and web) application. The app publishes data on the air quality/pollution in different cities around Macedonia, as well as offers a wonderful way of visualising the same measurements.


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Two-day data training in Macedonia

- January 5, 2015 in Data for CSOs

At the end of November (26th-28th), in Dojran – a city in Macedonia, we held a two-day training with Milena. Tailored to the needs of the 24 participants from different CSOs, we tried to cover as much as possible of the topics we narrowed down using the form we composed for determining their skills and needs.



We started the training with the basic introduction to what data is and where to find it, and the first day we mostly focused on working with spreadsheets, formulas and pivot tables. The next day we shared some thoughts and skills on data visualization, worked with different online data visualization and mapping tools and talked about creating beautiful timelines. Anyhow, the agenda for the training is here for everyone to check, use and adapt.


During the two days we tried to be as flexible as possible and adapt to the real time needs of the participants, and to engage everyone in a more interactive way of learning through practical exercises and teamwork.

Here you can see some more photos from the training.

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